What is Stable Chat?

What is Stable Chat?

What is Stable Chat?

Stable Chat is an AI-based chat service launched by Stability AI - the creators behind the well-known image generation AI tool Stable Diffusion. Stable Chat provides a web-based chat interface for the open-access language model Stable Beluga. At the time of its release, Stable Beluga was considered the best performing open large language model (LLM) on the HuggingFace leaderboard.

The basics of Stable Beluga

Stable Beluga is based on the basic LLaMA model published by Meta and has been refined with a synthetic dataset generated by GPT-4. The largest Stable Beluga model contains 70 billion parameters and outperforms ChatGPT in several benchmarks, including AGIEval, which is based on several common tests such as LSAT and SAT.

The special feature of Stable Chat

To evaluate Stable Beluga and collect user feedback to improve the model, Stability AI has developed the Stable Chat web interface. This allows users to interact with the model and provide feedback on its outputs. Stability AI emphasizes that the website is intended for research purposes only and asks that it not be used for real-world applications or commercial purposes.

How does Stable Chat work?

Stable Chat offers a simple and user-friendly interface that allows users to interact with Stable Beluga. Users can sign up for free or use their Google account to access the chat. The model's responses can be rated or reported positively or negatively by users. This feedback is used to improve the model in the future.

Stable Chat and the AI community

Stability AI invites researchers and developers to participate in further developing and improving the safety and performance of Stable Beluga. Participation in DEF CON 31, an AI safety event sponsored by the U.S. government, demonstrates the company's commitment to promoting safe and responsible AI development.

Why is Stable Chat important?

The importance of Stable Chat and Stable Beluga lies in their openness and accessibility. By making this technology available to the general public, Stability AI can help researchers and developers around the world to improve the capabilities and safety of AI chat models. This is a crucial step towards a more transparent and inclusive AI future.

Stable Chat in action

Stable Chat is more than just a chatbot - it's a tool that gives us access to advanced language models and the ability to interact with an AI in real time. It's fascinating to see how Stable Chat can generate different responses to identical prompts, offering a variety of formats and content.

The future of Stable Chat

The development of Stable Chat and Stable Beluga is dynamic and is continuously being driven forward. Stability AI has announced that they will be introducing new models as research progresses. This points to an exciting future for AI chat technologies, with constant improvements and enhancements to their capabilities.

Try out AI Chat

If you would like to experience for yourself how AI chat works, we invite you to test Mindverse . Mindverse offers highly unique texts that are specially adapted to the German language. Whether you want to use AI chat for research purposes or are simply curious about how AI chat technologies work, Mindverse is your gateway to a new world of AI-powered communication.


Stable Chat is an exciting example of how open source AI can change the way we interact with technology. It offers insights into the potential of AI language models and invites us to be part of a larger research and development process. With Mindverse as your partner, you can harness the power of Stable Chat and create content that really makes a difference.

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