Write long texts quickly

Write long texts quickly

A guest contribution by Stefan Scheel

Writing a text can be difficult, so we will help you with some tips and tricks. We will show you how easy it is to write good content that will be read!

By the way, we created this long text with our AI text editor .

The writer's block

When we're faced with writer's block, words just don't come out of you. Even if you have ideas for your text or articles, it can be difficult to find a way to put all those good ideas together into an interesting result.  

Turn your ideas into long texts with our simple AI writing software!

Our AI Text Generator from Mindverse is a great way to create engaging content quickly. It helps businesses, bloggers and marketers spread their message by creating relevant headlines and structurally sound articles with SEO optimization in mind!

If you are looking for an easy way to write long texts that are interesting and informative, try our software for free today!


There are some things you can do to improve your text:

  • The more you know about something and are interested in it, the better your text will be. Because when we are enthusiastic about our work or our studies, it shows in our text.
  • Keep your text simple and clear. Your readers don't want to think too much, they just want the information you give them in an easy to understand form!
  • When you post, make sure your spelling and grammar are correct. A simple mistake can make a post look unprofessional.

This is how you build long texts:

  • Introduction: When you introduce a text, it is important to tell the readers what your article is about and why they should read it. You can do this by writing an exciting or interesting opening paragraph in which you summarize all the relevant information.
  • Body: The body of your text should contain comprehensive information about the topic at hand. You can address possible contradictions or controversies by illustrating your points with comparisons and examples from "real" life.
  • Conclusion: In a summary, you can summarize long texts in two to four sentences! In the conclusion, you need to summarize everything again and make sure that you don't leave out any point. Always end with a question or a call to action - this will help people remember what they've read long after they've finished!

Long texts must be well designed and loosened up

Designing the right text is important because people look at countless texts every day. Therefore, you should structure the text visually well:

  • Paragraphs: Paragraphs are a good way to break up long blocks of text and make it easier for the reader to follow the text.
  •  Images: Images have the power to tell stories with their content. That's why we recommend using images in all your texts, especially those that require detailed explanations. For example, infographics are perfect for summarizing a text with numbers in an easy-to-understand way.
  • Bullet points: Bullet points are an efficient way to organize text so that it is easy to read. This is especially popular on the Internet, where people often have a short attention span!


There are many users who now rely on AI for copywriting and share their Mindverse experience. AI copywriters have become an indispensable tool for many bloggers, marketers and businesses when it comes to creating website or blog posts.   


Writing a long text can be a daunting task, but with the help of AI text generators it can be done in less than an hour. The important thing is to have a structure for your text and use headings, images and bullet points.

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