Is OpenAI DSGVO compliant? A detailed guide

Is OpenAI DSGVO compliant? A detailed guide

Data protection is a key issue in today's digital world, and when it comes to the use of artificial intelligence (AI), questions about compliance with data protection regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO) are becoming increasingly important. In this comprehensive blog post, we address the question: Is OpenAI DSGVO compliant?

OpenAI is known for its advanced AI technologies, including ChatGPT, DALL:E and the OpenAI API, which are used in a variety of use cases. However, by using these technologies in Europe, companies must ensure that they comply with the strict requirements of DSGVO .

Consumer vs. business: a question of responsibility

OpenAI distinguishes between services for end customers (non-API content) and business services (API content). While OpenAI is directly responsible for the consumer services, the responsibility for compliance with the data protection guidelines for the business services lies with the companies that use the OpenAI API.

Use of ChatGPT and OpenAI API in accordance with the DSGVO

If companies integrate the OpenAI API into their products, they are considered data controllers within the meaning of data protection law and must ensure that the processing of personal data is DSGVO compliant. OpenAI acts as a processor in this context.

Notes on data transmission

The transfer of personal data to OpenAI is only permitted if there is a valid legal basis. In addition, the transfer of data to the USA poses a challenge, as this requires a suitable legal basis in accordance with Art. 44 et seq. DSGVO .

Waiver of personal reference

To avoid data protection problems, companies should avoid processing personal data via ChatGPT. Training and awareness-raising measures for employees are of great importance to prevent the transfer of personal data to OpenAI.

Data use for training purposes

By default, data is used for the training of AI algorithms. However, users have the option to opt out of this to prevent their data from being used for this purpose.

Lawfulness and order processing

Companies must ensure the lawfulness of data processing and conclude a Data Processing Agreement (DPA) with OpenAI that contains EU standard contractual clauses. A Transfer Impact Assessment (TIA) is required and additional technical and organizational measures may be necessary.

Data protection impact assessment and data security

If the OpenAI API is used for purposes that pose a high risk to the data subjects, a data protection impact assessment (DPIA) must be carried out. In addition, an intensive study of the security concept of OpenAI is essential.

Transparency for users

It is important that companies inform their users transparently about data processing in connection with the use of OpenAI services. This includes information on how and for what purposes the data is processed, storage periods and the exercise of data subject rights.


Although AI technologies such as those from OpenAI offer great potential, companies must ensure that they use these technologies in a DSGVO-compliant manner. Data protection compliance should already be considered in the planning phase (privacy by design).

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This article is a guide for companies that want to use AI technologies. We recommend carefully reviewing and implementing the above steps to ensure compliance with DSGVO . If you have any questions, please contact a qualified data protection expert.

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