Writing and rewriting English texts - How to do it!

Writing and rewriting English texts - How to do it!

We all know the problem: you want to write a text in English, but you don't have the right words at hand. Before you plunge into countless dictionaries and spelling programs, you should take a Mindverse take a closer look.

Mindverse is an artificial intelligence that generates texts for you in a few seconds. The special thing about it is that these texts look as if they were written by a human. In addition, the AI generates a completely unique text every time you press a button - so you don't get the same text as another user.

How does artificial intelligence work?

The AI has been trained on over 170 billion different parameters and thus has knowledge from almost every subject area. The AI uses an autoregressive language model to mathematically calculate the best text.

How to write English texts?

You can use our tool in both English and German. After you have registered, you can change the AI language at any time with a simple click in your dashboard.

Mindverse Customize language

What kind of texts can be generated?

Currently you can choose from over 30 different so-called "text engines". These text engines are always tailored to a specific type of text. Some examples:

  • Blogpost Introduction - With this engine you can have a complete introduction for your blogpost written in English.
  • Keywords to Text - Enter some keywords and get a complete paragraph in English.
  • Product Review - Let the AI generate an English product review for your product or service.
  • Long Text Assistant - Our Long Text Assistant gives you the ability to write longer texts like essays in English.

English text rewriting

One of our most popular engines is "Text Rewriting English". With this engine you can have an existing English text rewritten in other words. Unlike other rewriting tools on the Internet that access pre-made databases of synonyms, our AI creates a new version of the text each time with different sentence structure, punctuation and length.

Rewrite texts in English

To rewrite a text, all you have to do is open the corresponding engine and enter the text you want to rewrite in the input field at the top. By clicking the "Create" button, you will receive two paraphrased versions of your text in English after a few seconds!

Test now Mindverse for free and convince yourself of our AI tool !

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