Brainstorming Online with an Artificial Intelligence

Brainstorming Online with an Artificial Intelligence

The brainstorming method was developed back in the 1930s as a way of promoting new ideas together in a group. A kind of "flow chart" is used for this purpose, in which possible answers to a problem are organized and grouped thematically. But what does brainstorming mean? To put it simply, brainstorming is simply thinking and writing down your findings at the same time. Only in this way can a train of thought be steered in one direction, continued with interruptions and understood by outsiders. Although this method is intended as a group task, it can also be used alone, although the quality will suffer as a result. To counteract this, we have integrated an interactive brainstorming function at Mindverse .

This can be found as a stand-alone feature in the menu bar. As soon as you click on the "Brainstorm" tab, you land on a page that is initially empty except for an input field. However, this can be filled very quickly: Enter the topic you have chosen for brainstorming in the input field and press "Generate". Four related ideas will now be generated. These are either longer and more complex outputs based on the topic or short direct associations. If you now click on one of the idea boxes, you can have ideas or critical questions generated again.

Of course, you can also copy the text of an individual box, which we call a node. You can also export the entire brainstorming tree as a graphic. This will then be downloaded as a PDF. If you are not satisfied with a generated node, you can also delete it and brainstorm again from the starting point. This allows you to keep your flowchart in order and present it directly as the result of your work. As with all forms of text generation on Mindverse , these results also belong entirely to you and are your intellectual property. As before, the ideas and outputs are statistically unique. In this way, we avoid duplicate content.

Together with our research function and our various engines, you can use the brainstorming function to easily go from one idea to several. Integrated with our blog post assistant, you can also formulate paragraphs for individual ideas that you have developed and then edit them as usual in our rich text editor. If you prefer a visualization other than a diagram, you can also transfer individual results of your brainstorming to the video function and create an AI-generated lip-synchronized video there.

You can of course find further help on our Brainstorm function under the Help tab. There you will find a tutorial video that explains the whole thing in detail. Alternatively, you can also test our brainstorming function directly. Because with Mindverse you have access to an AI-supported brainstorming method.

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