Mindverse Text Engine

Create a word cloud quickly and easily?

It's easy: with our new Mindverse word cloud engine. The concept of a word cloud is probably not a new one. What is now the product of a long brainstorming session can also be called an association field. After all, a "keyword cloud" is nothing else. A collection, visually processed, of direct as well as abstract connections to an initial term: a keyword or catchphrase.

This term cluster is used to discover suitable search terms in the context of SEO or SEA research, on which it is worth writing a blog post or placing an advertisement. Sometimes the whole cloud is used directly as a work result in a PowerPoint or serves as a graphic in the background of a presentation. The fields of application are manifold, which is why it is an important tool for organizing thoughts and content. But how do you get such a beautiful and useful word cloud?

We have anticipated the answer: with Mindverse. Our AI can provide you with abstract as well as obvious connections from your source word, your input, in no time. All you need is a starting point. Once you are logged into Mindverse , you can find the "Word Cloud" tile and click it. This will take you to the Engine page, where you will see a plain input field. You can write your keyword there and just have to press the "Generate" button as well as wait briefly for the AI to process your request.

You will get a color-divided word cloud with various terms that are either abstract or directly related to your starting point. From here, you can also click on individual words in the cloud and thus copy them. Once you have found a suitable related term, you can also use it as a starting point for other engines, such as our keyword-to-text engine, which allows you to generate an entire paragraph for your output.

By the way, in our Text Editor you will also find a function to have a word cloud created, in this section even from a whole text. You will get a reverse brainstorming. All you have to do is write or paste a text in the editor and select it. If you then press the "Word Cloud" tab at the bottom of the editor box, you can have a matching cloud generated. This will then contain all the important keywords of your text, visually processed.

If you want to learn more about how the engine works, feel free to watch our Mindverse Academy video embedded below. If you would like to become an owner of your own word cloud now, you can test the engine by registering for 20 free queries at Mindverse .