Mindverse Text Engine

Online plagiarism check

Especially in the academic environment, the word plagiarism is used very often - although it is much more than a term that belongs in the back room of the university speaker. Plagiarism, according to the definition, is a presumption of another's intellectual achievement and a taboo when it comes to research. Because, who takes over thoughts without marking this correctly, consequently to quote, enriches himself at the work of others. Therefore, it is also a death blow for so many politicians when it is revealed that they have "copied" in a doctoral thesis.

But plagiarism happens not only out of malicious intent, but also sometimes without thinking. Because often one reads literature and writes about it the next day. And sometimes something is reproduced word for word without knowing the background. You don't want to do evil to anyone, but you have to include foreign literature in an academic context. So there is a natural occurrence of plagiarism. Nevertheless, one will be punished for it and therefore it is not an offense to use a plagiarism scanner before submitting a paper.

This way you can be sure that what you have written is really unique and that the text is your own work as well as written in your own language. And this doesn't just apply to scientists and politicians. Authors of other texts would also like to know if they have imitated something by mistake. Another affected group is SEO and content marketeers. Because search engines don't like to see intellectual theft either. Duplicate content is the bugbear of every copywriter. That is, simply copying another text from the Internet does not make you rank better on the keyword than if it is your "own" text.

This is exactly where Mindverse can help. With the possibility to generate texts dynamically, we avoid duplicate content and with the new plagiarism check engine you can always check for plagiarism, whether written by yourself or by others. All you need is a premium account or more. You can then scan up to 30 texts per month, depending on the account.

All you have to do is find the "Plagiarism checker" tile and open it. You'll already have a field where you can paste your text to be checked. Once this is done and you have clicked on the "Start Check" button, the AI will start comparing your texts with others on the Internet. In doing so, the plagiarism checker takes into account not only identical forms, but also modified ones. The check may take some time. We will notify you by e-mail as soon as your check is complete. You can view the results directly online or download them as a PDF. We also give you directly the sources of the texts with matches, so you can check which page contains the same text. This is how easy online plagiarism checking works with Mindverse .

Do you also have a text that you want to have checked? Then you can use the Mindverse plagiarism scanner starting with the Premium subscription. If you want to get more information in advance, you can do so via this video. We are happy to help you with the plagiarism checker.