Mindverse Text Engine

Definition is the description and differentiation of a term

Sometimes you need a good definition to get the meaning of a term or a creative introduction for a text. But how do you get a definition that is not copied directly from the Duden? Well, with Mindverse.

With our "Definition" engine, you can have a definition generated in no time at all. You can learn how to do this right now.

If you want to generate a definition, you can open the "Definition" engine tile after logging in to Mindverse . There you will find an input and an output window. You name the topic for which you would like to have a definition and write it into the input field (or paste it there). Be careful to enter only one word. You should also keep an eye on the number of characters.

For example, let's say we would like to get a definition of "Physics", the scientific discipline. To do this, we enter the word "physics" in the input window and then press the "Create" button. Due to the immense amount of data available at Mindverse , you will consistently get new and creative outputs, even for the same input, unlike free offerings on the Internet. If you are not satisfied with the first suggestion, you are welcome to create another output from the same input again.

The output will appear in the form of one or two sentences. For example, in our case: Physics is the science of the behavior of nature in its entirety. It studies the laws of nature and the relationships between individual phenomena and elementary particles.

When you have found a good definition you are satisfied with, you can save your result in your profile, download it or export it directly to our text editor. There you can use other build-in engines such as: change key, simplify text or rewrite text.

Here you will also find the extremely useful "Continue writing texts" function. Do you want to have your definition recited? Then you can use our video export function and create a video with a virtual avatar. You can find out how to do this in our Mindverse Academy or under the help tab of the individual engines.

If you want to get your own definition and test more engines on Mindverse , you are welcome to do so with our free contingent. We wish you good luck with this.