Mindverse Text Engine

From "Save Time" to "Save Time" with the Salutation Rewrite Engine

From "Save Time" to "Save Time" with the Salutation Rewrite Engine

In contrast to other languages, German has a polite form of address. "Du" as a direct and colloquial form of address and "Sie" as a polite and respectful form of address. Siezen builds up a little distance between you, the reader, and me, the author. We address each other by our last names and try not to get too close. And if we do get close, then the "you" can be formally offered.

Although it often comes across as outmoded, using first names has the advantage of asking for consent in order to get close to someone linguistically. This request for consent is a good way to gauge how personally involved the other person wants to be in a conversation. But you can't do that with texts. You simply can't ask your reader for consent to be ducked first. Unfortunately, changing from "you" to "you" and vice versa would result in a massive text change.

Nevertheless, especially in a business sense, the right choice of address is very important. It is virtually the cornerstone of corporate communication. A young new company operating in the consumer end-customer business will most likely choose a direct personal address in "Du". While a long-established company in the corporate end-customer business will probably choose "Siezt" as the modus operandi of customer communication.

Both approaches are justified. Neither is better than the other. They are just two different means for two different purposes. And of course, you won't always make all customers happy. There are also consumers who would rather be called by their first name than by their first name. But you can't make corporate communications that individualized yet.

But what if you serve both fields? What if you're launching a new product and want to do your corporate communications differently? What do you have to do? You can rewrite all the slogans and advertising messages and texts and whatever else comes up in nerve-racking manual work. This will probably burden the marketing department for a long time. But you can also use the Mindverse "Salutation Rewrite" engine. With this new engine you can change texts from "you" to "you" and vice versa.

How does it work?

If you have registered and or logged in to Mindverse , you can search for the engine "Rewrite salutation" in the search box and click the tile. This will open the engine page with an input and output field and a drop-down menu. In the input field you can now simply paste or write the text which should be rewritten into a different form of salutation. From the drop-down menu you then only have to select "You" or "You" and press the "Create" button. Your rewritten text will appear in the output field and you can use it.

You can then copy it as usual, save it or export it directly to the text editor. There you can also use other handy tools to edit your text better, as well as the rewrite function or change the tonality-.

If you want to rewrite the salutation in a text, you can register now for free at Mindverse and try out the engine directly. We wish you much success in rewriting your salutation.