Page analysis

With our new AI website analysis, you can have the entered website examined for SEO ability with respect to a keyword. Unlike the use of many other tools, however, you don't have to be an expert to understand the resulting instructions. Our AI will give you a clearly understandable and detailed recommendation on what you can change on your site so that it will be found more often and better under the examined keyword. The Mindverse SEO analysis covers the entire spectrum: from the technical assessment to the finished blog post as a suggestion.
SEO for all

Simply explained by Mindverse

Mindverse does not give technical classifications in cryptic tables, but a concretely written out assessment of how you can improve your website. Understandable for all and therefore easier to implement. Likewise, the analysis does not require any further settings to be made besides a keyword and URL.For beginners but also for experienced website owners - with Mindverse you have the right solution at your side to create a successful online presence. With the Mindverse website analysis you can now easily become active yourself.

Holistic approach

Technical and content evaluation

Both technical and content aspects are examined during the website analysis. For the technical improvements, Mindverse writes a text for you that precisely names the strengths and weaknesses of the examined page. For content improvements, Mindverse creates a blog post for you directly on a keyword. You can either adapt this in the Mindverse suite or publish it directly to improve the SEO performance of your site.

Extensive horizon

Analyze everything!

With Mindverse you can have every page - not just your own - examined for every conceivable keyword. This way you can also gather inspiration for your own based on competing websites, bringing your SEO score forward with fresh ideas for new content.

Always different

Same idea, formulated differently

You are not satisfied with the wording or the suggestion that our SEO website analysis has created? Then you can simply start the analysis again.Because as with our other engines, this changes the wording and the result, but not the basic analysis.For you, this means that you will never run out of words!

Bring your website to the front now with AI Website Analysis

SEO is an important but complicated topic for anyone with a website. To make SEO more accessible, we have developed this feature. And you can now easily get started without spending hours reading guides and documentation beforehand.Try it out now under "AI Analysis" in the Mindverse dashboard.

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