Work with your colleagues in Mindverse teams.

With Mindverse Teams, you can now collaborate with your colleagues. Once everyone in your team has a Mindverse account, we can network them on demand. You will then share common saved texts from now on, but you can still use Mindverse independently. Both your requests and your texts in the text editor will still be handled separately and will only apply to you individually. Now you can save created texts and your colleagues can continue editing them directly in their accounts.

In short, what does Mindverse Teams offer your company?

Work together

Save texts and let your colleagues edit them directly. Without sending them back and forth.

Separate requests

Even with linked accounts, each account still has its own request limit. So you still have to pay only as much as you need.

Free collaboration

Besides a Mindverse account for each team member, you don't have to worry about any other costs.

Set up quickly and without problems

Simply contact us by email with the accounts in question and we'll set up your team feature quickly and easily.