Discover the
Mindverse brainstorming feature now!

Discover what AI thinks now. Brainstorm new ideas together with Mindverse. The brainstorming method aims at promoting ideas and concepts in an organized and structured way - now automated thanks to Mindverse . With the Mindverse brainstorming feature, you can use our AI to generate an almost endless flowchart of ideas, questions, concepts and associations on any topic. All you have to do is register at Mindverse and try it out for free.

How does the AI-powered brainstorming tool work?

Mindverse 4 steps with AI

Brainstorming is a popular technique for generating ideas. It was developed as early as the 1930s and is used by groups to generate ideas together in a structured way. Through the flowchart, where the developed concepts and questions are collected, outsiders can easily follow the train of thought. Likewise, thanks to the brainstorming method, it is possible to continue working on a train of thought even after a time interruption.

You can copy the results of the Mindverse brainstorm by clicking on the individual nodes. If the artificial intelligence provides you with an interesting aspect, you can directly continue working with it on the page, e.g. you can directly turn an interesting idea into a blogpost with our blogpost wizard and publish it. The brainstorming feature is definitely an important extension for our Mindverse pipeline, which allows you to optimize your workflow - from idea generation to finished text.